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The most profound questions ever to be asked by Humans have been related to our origins on Earth. Unfortunately, answers, often illogical and without evidence, are most often in the form of a self-serving myth. However, “intelligent design,” without the help of a “God,” but from ETs, now deserves much more attention..
It wasn’t until the middle of the 19th century that Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species in 1859, suggesting that, rather than an act of creation by an unknowable God, life systematically evolved. Finally, science offered a viable and testable alternative explanation. Evidence for evolution occurred everywhere, but the origination of life still posed a mystery—perhaps the greatest mystery of all. We seem to know much more about how our universe started with the Big Bang than we do about exactly how the first life came about on Earth.
Genes would not be discovered until seven years later by Mendel and DNA a few years after Swiss chemist Friedrich Miescher. OK, life evolves, but how did it all start? Darwin once suggested that some little warm pond near the ocean was a likely spot, far from an adequate explanation.
I selected Francis Crick’s Life Itself to update, summarize, and expand because he promoted the idea that DNA did not first evolve on Earth. If true, DNA’s alien origin would be one of the most important realizations in all Human history. Life, according to Crick, began somewhere else where conditions were more favorable and, with the help of advanced intelligence, seeded Earth through panspermic, “seeds everywhere,” events. This has been labeled as the “seeded hypothesis.”
If DNA originated elsewhere, it reflects not only upon our beginnings as a form of “alien” or “alien hybrid” but also our future, which may include merging with one or more advanced civilizations. We may, indeed, one day, meet our “makers,” or at least some of their descendants.
Crick’s insight and intuition are now confirmed by convincing scientific evidence from a prominent mathematician and astrophysicist. They published a paper in 2013 in a peer-reviewed journal named Icarus, formerly edited by Carl Sagan. Icarus just happens to be the same journal that published Crick's paper over three decades earlier elaborating on the possibilities of Directed Panspermia by advanced civilizations.
When one of the co-discoverers of the structure of DNA claims it is of interstellar origin, we have to listen to why he believes it is so, as explained in his book Life Itself. The evidence to support his claims is mounting. First, DNA is an elegant mathematical and signature construct--which means it is artificial. Second, the most likely Last Universal Common Ancestor or LUCA shows us that it already has remnants of DNA machinery. Third, the United States government reveals more and more about UFOs or UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) sightings and materials associated with them.
This ebook summarizes Crick’s work which previously could only be found, to the best of my knowledge, in printed form, adds the evidence of signatures and hidden mathematical and pictorial codes from DNA for his theory, offers general updates on cosmological data that Crick did not have at his disposal, addresses the subject of the surprising Last Universal Common Ancestor for life, and briefly explores our government’s about-face on the subject of Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) and bizarre materials found at their landings which they admit having and examining.